At Maidserve we offer leading cleaning solutions across the LA area including a top class Burbank office cleaning service. Our experienced teams have developed proven methods for providing the very best results, and we pride ourselves on our customer service centred service.

All of our staff carry out extensive and continued training to provide our leading service. This not only includes training for all of our cleaning work but also customer service training for each one of our staff to ensure that we always deliver fantastic customer service.

Before we take a closer look at our comprehensive commercial cleaning services, why is it that you should consider investing in a professional cleaning company?

Many companies are now gradually coming to realise the benefits of hiring private cleaning assistance, as opposed to keeping cleaning staff on your own payroll. We aim to deliver not only superior results but also to save you money and to take away the hassle of managing your own cleaning regimes.

A tidy and clean work environment, whether you work in a retail space, restaurant, office, or anywhere else, can have a huge effect on staff, customers, and a whole range of other stakeholders to your business. First of all, consider the difference in motivation for staff working in an immaculate workspace, compared to the same staff working under the conditions of mess and dirt. It’s easy to see why the former situation will lead your staff to feel more valued.

Finally, for other visitors to your business, the standards that you keep your office will reflect how you do business more generally, and what better way to make a strong first impression?