Scheduling a cleaning service is itself a hectic task in your overstuffed schedule, and getting a non-professional company appointed for cleaning your place can add to your troubles. Every company puts up positive information about their services on their website, but here are some reliable tips for checking the professionalism of the cleaning service you?re opting for:
Go for Google reviews
Google reviews are a key to the professionalism of a company. You?ll get the company in first page of the Google reviews if its average rating is more than 4.0 stars. It is a good sign for the company to be reliable and well-experienced.
Check out the company rating on other rating platforms
There are a number of rating platforms available to allow the public to pull-off authentic and unbiased reviews about certain services. Some of these platforms include Yelp, Amazon, Trustspot and YotPo. While hiring professional cleaning services, you can search for the company?s presence on these platforms for some genuine feedback.
Professional presence of a company on social media is a plus
Social media presence is considered an essential part of professionalism now a days. The presence of your preferred cleaning company on social media platforms is a plus and is a good sign to go for its services. Always check for the reviews and comments on social media pages as people usually prefer giving feedback on social media.
Pay attention to how the company deals with the complaints
Nothing is perfect and so is the feedback. People might have complaints about the services, which is not something to worry about. Rather, it is advised to pay attention to how the company responds to complains and unsatisfactory reviews. True professionals always prefer customer satisfaction and offer compensations for complaints.
Ask for suggestions in your circle
It is good to ask for advice within your group of friends/family. There are chances that some people in your circle may have used the services before and could give you some honest suggestions on whether to go for it or not.
Make use of these tips to look for a well-suited and professional cleaning service, and enjoy the expertise they bring in.